Parallel symposium 8

Technologies for creation of tissue-engineering constructions
(Chairs - RAS corresp. member Konstantin N. Yarygin, Prof. Victor I. Sevastyanov)

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Personalised tissue-engineering constructions for regenerative medicine
Vladimir K. Popov,  Federal scientific center of crystallography and photonics, Moscow


From allogeneic bone implants to 3-D printing: modeling in vitro, remodelling in vivo
Natalya S. Sergeeva,  National center of radiology, Moscow


Functional equivalent of  tracheal epithelium on the base composite non-fibrous two-layered polymer matrix
Olga A. Romanova, T.K. Tenchurin, E.B. Safronova, T.S. Demina, O.I. Klain, A.D. Shepelev, V.G. Mamagulashvili, S.N. Chvalun, A.A. Panteleev,  NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow


Function-oriented mineral-polymer materials for engineering of bone tissue
Vladimir S. Komlev, S.M. Barinov, Baikov institute of metallurgy and material science, Moscow


Practical aspects and perspectives of use of tissue-engineering constructions, made with scaffold-free technology in regenerative medicine
Igor V. Ponomarev, Research Centre of Medical Technology and Biotechnology, Bad Langensalza, Germany (fzmb GmbH)


Development and use of miniature bioreactor for human cartilage tissue formation
Yulia B. Basok, ФГБУ Academician V.I.Shumakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, Moscow

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